Code of Conduct
Beck Pack System’s Code of Conduct is based on the Global Compact’s 10 general principles on enhancing the social responsibility of the company.
These principles are based on 4 fundamental topics:
Human rights, Labour Standards, Environment and Anti-corruption
Beck Pack Systems comply with these principles and expect all our suppliers and sup-suppliers to do the same.
Human Rights
Beck Pack Systems support and respect UN’s Global Compact on Human Rights of 10th December 1948, human rights without discrimination due to race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinions.
Labour Standards
Beck Pack Systems acting as a responsible company will treat all employees with respect and dignity.
Beck Pack Systems do not approve of child labour and do not benefit from child labour.
Beck Pack Systems acknowledge the right to association and collective bargaining as well as the freedom to speak in an open and loyal manner.
Beck Pack Systems do not put demands on our employees as regards: Age, Nationality, Financial circumstances, Sexuality, Social or Ethical origin or any other status.
All employees with Beck Pack Systems have a written confirmation describing their employment terms. The confirmation clearly states working time, breaks, pay and holiday terms.
Beck Pack Systems are obliged to ensure a healthy and safe work environment that meets the demands of the general legislation. To ensure this the company has established policies and procedures on: Bullying, Harassment, Health, Safety, Working Environment and Education.
The general legislation on environmental protection must be observed.
Beck Pack Systems’ environmental systems ensure:
- reduction of waste and emissions to air, sole and water
- correct handling of chemicals
- correct handling, storage and disposal of hazardous waste
- contribution to recycling and reuse of materials and products
- implementation of environmentally friendly technologies.
Beck Packs Systems do not tolerate corruption and bribery.